International Asset Bank onboards new customers in minutes with electronic identification by Evrotrust.

International Asset Bank has streamlined its customer onboarding process by incorporating Evrotrust's electronic identification and eSigning solutions. This allows new customers to open a bank account through the mobile banking application, enhancing client acquisition, increasing satisfaction, and reducing costs.

The Challenge

The bank needed to create an efficient onboarding process for new customers without requiring physical visits to a bank branch. The aim was to comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements by providing a remote customer identification and contract signing solution that meets modern banking expectations.

The Solution

To address these challenges, International Asset Bank developed the Asset Digital onboarding service, available in the Asset Mobile banking application. This digital onboarding process incorporates electronic identification and eSigning services provided by Evrotrust through API integration. Evrotrust, a qualified trust services provider under eIDAS, offered a secure and user-friendly solution for remotely exchanging information and documents with the bank's clients. Customers can now sign digital documents remotely with a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES), automating the new customer identification process in full compliance with national and EU anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

The Results

The integration of Evrotrust's services has allowed new customers to open a bank account fully remotely in just a few minutes, leading to increased client acquisition and satisfaction. The identification process for applicants is now fast and secure, and the costs associated with signing new customers have been significantly reduced. This streamlined digital onboarding process aligns with International Asset Bank's commitment to innovation and customer-oriented service, reinforcing its position as a forward-thinking financial institution.

About International Asset Bank

International Asset Bank AD has been a dynamic and innovative universal institution for over three decades. It aims to offer comprehensive financial solutions with a flexible approach and cutting-edge technology that aligns with the best European practices. The bank aspires to be a sustainable, innovative, and customer-oriented institution that offers exceptional products and services. Adhering to a philosophy of responsible banking, International Asset Bank aims to meet the changing expectations of all its clients promptly.

About the client

International Asset Bank