Certificate and Useful Links

Certification authorities

In order to use the qualified certificates of "Evrotrust Technologies" AD (electronic signature, electronic signature for natural or legal persons, time stamps, etc.), it is necessary to install the qualified certificates of the certification authorities in your computer system:

Evrotrust RSA Root CA
SHA256: 0xB49CF652B72E586498DB42CD007500912FD1672AFC3DFF0B11B927EA97D41A2D
Evrotrust RSA Operational CA
SHA256: 0x6B2A9FD517A78AF2A62185F33457764FC91EBEE84A55F63F186278DCFDE68A75
Evrotrust Services CA
SHA256: 0x5C7AC0F5ADA82E251B4CB8D701A43A4A5BAF369289D4F29E27AB2690A88162EC

Important: In order to download the certificates, you need to select "Save link as" from the context menu of the link.


I. Access to the electronic certificates registry
1. Certificates used by Evrotrust in its activities

Important: In order to download the certificates, you need to select "Save link as" from the context menu of the link.

2. Access to issued certificates

To receive access to an issued certificate, please fill in the form here.

Application form for updating the access to an issued qualified certificate.

3. Certificate Revocation List/CRL

The certificate revocation lists are downloadable, as follows:

Important: In order to download the CRL, you need to select "Save link as" from the context menu of the link.

II. Trust Services

1. Certificate Status Verification Service (OCSP)

Evrotrust provides a service to check the status of issued certificates in real time in an automated, reliable, free and efficient way. This service is available at any time and even after the period of validity of the certificates, based on Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). Each relying party, when accepting a qualified certificate, can verify its real-time OCSP status at: http://ca.evrotrust.com/ocsp. The service is accessed through automated OCSP integration using a dedicated OCSP client, for example by using the OpenSSL library’s “ocsp” command. The result of the check is an issued certificate of status, which is electronically signed by Evrotrust and has legal value. The service is provided in accordance with the requirements of RFC2560.

2. Qualified electronic Timestamp service

The Qualified electronic Timestamp service provides the user of the service in real time with a time stamp token (TST) that confirms the content of an electronic document at that time. The service is available for private use for non-commercial purposes under HTTP protocol at: http://ts.evrotrust.com/tsa, by using a dedicated Timestamp client, e.g. by using the OpenSSL library’s “ts” and the CURL library for transfer of the query to the service. The result is an issued time certificate, which is electronically signed by Evrotrust and has legal value. The service is provided in accordance with the requirements of RFC3161 and ETSI EN 319 422.

In order to use the service with a respective service level or in automated manner, it is necessary to sign an agreement with Evrotrust.

3. Qualified validation service for qualified electronic signatures and seals

Evrotrust provides a qualified validation service for qualified electronic signatures and seals in an automated and reliable manner. As a result of the validation process, the service produces a detailed report in PDF or XML format, according to the ETSI TS 119 102-2 requirements, describing the status, reason, date and time of the provided status, as well as additional data. The report is signed with a qualified electronic seal of Evrotrust. The service ensures that signatures and stamps are created and verified in accordance with European legislation. Evrotrust provides access to the validation service for private, non-commercial purposes at: https://validation.evrotrust.com.

In order to use the service with a respective service level or in automated manner, it is necessary to sign an agreement with Evrotrust.

4. Management (suspension, renewal and termination) of qualified certificates

5. Evrotrust - Tool

Software Requirements:
- MS Windows 2003/Vista/7/2008/8.x/2012/10 
- Microsoft DotNet Framework 4.0

6. Smart cards software

Software Requirements:
- MS Windows 2003/Vista/7/2008/8.x/2012/10

7. Expiration date for smart cards and Secure Signature Creation Devices (SSCD), sold by „Evrotrust Technologies“ AD:
Name of device for secure creation of electronic signature/ seal (SSCD)Expiration date
IAS ECC V2 on ID-One Cosmo V8.1
ID Prime 940 / IAS Classic card version 4.4.2 with MOC 1.1 on Multiapp v4.0.1 platform



  • Smart cards/devices for securely creating a qualified electronic signature/seal (SSCD) must not be used after their expiration date, as in this case the electronic signatures/seals created with their use no longer meet the requirements of eIDAS;
  • The full list of all Qualified Signature/Seal Creation Devices and Secure Signature Creation Devices used in EU countries and their expiry date can be found here:https://esignature.ec.europa.eu/efda/notification-tool/#/screen/browse/list/QSCD_SSCD .