To all compliance teams – we got you


Our solution for digital identity proofing enables you to obtain the required set of personal data needed for ID verification fully compliant with KYC, KYB and AML regulations.

How it works


Using best in class technology, data attributes are extracted from a valid ID document via OCR or NFC and checked against primary source where available. We perform complete background expert checks on all verified profiles and ensure personal data is valid. For organizations we verify company data attributes, ownership structure and split, representation power and ultimate beneficial owners – all these fully extracted by primary source.

Advantages for your business

Legal Liability is On Us

Outsource your customer verification with us. Eliminate fraud with a qualified trust service solution used by hundreds of organizations internationally.

User Friendly

Effortless process for the end customer – less steps of fill manually, no mistakes in personal data as it is automatically populated in the required fields.

Superb Experience

80% of customers have had a bad experience with traditional KYC processes. Digitalization saves time, helps prevent fraud and brings higher satisfaction levels.