Konica Minolta optimizes business processes with electronic document signing by Evrotrust.

As a provider of complete solutions for the management and digitization of information and document flow, Konica Minolta needs a trusted partner to provide reliable electronic services for system users. Evrotrust caught their attention because the company has the largest portfolio of trust services and the ability to serve international teams.

The challenge

1. What were Konica Minolta's main challenges before implementing Evrotrust's digital identity and electronic signature solutions?

Before the implementation of Evrotrust's digital identity and electronic signature solutions, the process of signing and digitizing documents was relatively slow. We often encountered gaps when archiving and with missing documents signed by the parties involved. These document management challenges motivated us to look for a digital identification solution that would simplify the process for all parties involved.

2. How have these challenges affected Konica Minolta’s business? What were the specific obstacles?

The specific obstacles were expressed in improperly signed documents and their complete absence or loss. As we know, accumulated over time, these gaps lead to direct financial deficits and indirect negative consequences, including loss of trust on the part of counterparties (customers, suppliers, employees).

3. What were the main reasons that made Konica Minolta look for a solution in the field of electronic signatures?

As a provider of complete solutions for managing and digitizing information and document flow, Konica Minolta needs a trusted partner to provide reliable electronic services for system users. This includes the final phase with electronic signing – the final and necessary element of any operation. This action needed to be performed quickly, reliably, and conveniently for users.

The solution

4. How did Konika Minolta come across Evrotrust, and what sets the company apart from other e-signature providers on the market?

Researching the market, we encountered different models for e-signature solutions. We chose Evrotrust because the company has the largest portfolio of trust services and the ability to serve international teams.

Evrotrust provides secure and innovative solutions in electronic identification and e-signatures and has extensive experience in helping companies create and manage digital experiences following international legislation like eIDAS and GDPR. This is extremely useful for our team, and we are happy to be partnering on several projects with Evrotrust.

5. What was the driving force behind the decision to partner with Evrotrust?

The key driving force in choosing Evrotrust was the capability to verify identities and e-sign documents with foreign persons. It is essential for us to ensure speed in the identification of users, as well as efficiency in the process of signing and returning documents, and in this context, the Evrotrust solution does an excellent job.

6. How was Evrotrust integrated into Konica Minolta’s existing systems?

With the simple API integration provided by Evrotrust, we have developed a process for constant, controlled communication with Konica Minolta's solutions. The system included a proprietary connector compatible with the different solutions Konica Minolta provides and different infrastructures, both applicable to most of our customers. From a technical point of view, with the support of Evrotrust, we were able to quickly implement the project, without any difficulties and in extremely short terms.

7. Were there any specific customizations or unique requirements that Evrotrust had to address for your organization?

While building the solution, there were no requirements or customizations that required additional development. This is indicative that Evrotrust provides a wide range of services and solves many cases that arise as a standard.


The result

8. What improvements have you noticed since implementing Evrotrust's digital identity and electronic signature solutions?

The main improvement we notice is expressed in the speed with which we manage to complete the process of signing documents on both sides. Remote identification saves time for all parties when signing documents. This not only improves the customer process but also ensures a fully positive experience.

9. What are Konika Minolta’s customers saying? What is their feedback regarding your integration with Evrotrust?

Our customers are happy with the idea of electronically signing documents on both sides - as signers of documents with us, Konica Minolta, and as senders of documents requiring signature to their customers or other parties (employees, suppliers, etc.). We, on the other hand, are happy to be able to provide solutions that make their daily lives easier.

10. Maintaining high protection and compliance with all regulatory requirements is of utmost importance in the digital world. How did Evrotrust respond to your needs in this regard?

The services provided by Evrotrust are subject to the regulation of European Union directives. Since they are registered providers of qualified trust services, we are confident that the level of protection of personal data is in accordance with all regulatory requirements.

11. You have a lot of experience with clients using HR and CFO digital solutions built based on integration with Evrotrust services. Please share your experience of how institutions and inspection bodies, such as the Labor Inspectorate, accept digitization in the event of an inspection.

We have experience with inspections by the Labor Inspectorate, and we have no objections from them to the way of use and the validity of the signed electronic documents. The overseeing authorities had no additional requirements or recommendations for using qualified electronic signature (QES). This is indicative of the successful integration of QES.

12. Can you share specific results that demonstrate the success of your organization's integration with Evrotrust?

We have made progress, especially in terms of faster document signing processes, instant document archiving, and the speed of searching and accessing information available anytime, anywhere.

13. How do you see your partnership with Evrotrust in the future?

We see the future of the partnership not only in opportunities to expand our client portfolio but also in the development and implementation of additional services related to electronic signatures. This includes new service delivery models that meet specific customer requirements. We believe this will help us improve the quality of the digital processes we provide.

“As a provider of a complete platform for managing information and digital processes, Konica Minolta needed a trusted partner for electronic signatures - for the final element in every operation. With the help of Evrotrust services, we provide solutions that not only facilitate the daily life of our customers but also contribute to their positive experiences. “
Nina Mechkarova, Manager ITS Delivery, Konica Minolta Bulgaria

For Konica Minolta

The history of Konica Minolta began in 1873, when Rokusaburo Sugiura founded the Konica Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. The company is engaged in the sale of photographic and lithographic products, but over time it has expanded its activities.
Today, more than 39,000 people worldwide work with enthusiasm and inspiration to make the company a leading supplier of innovative technologies. With offices in over 150 countries and over 2 million customers, the Konica Minolta brand is associated with reliability and high quality of the solutions and services provided.

Over the years, Konica Minolta has been setting new standards and offering revolutionary products and services that meet modern challenges and create new opportunities for organizations to grow. All this strengthens the company's position as an undisputed leader in providing comprehensive solutions for managing corporate documents and print workflows, as well as innovative comprehensive solutions for the representatives of the printing industry. In recent years, Konica Minolta has quickly established itself as a reliable partner for digital workplace and smart video surveillance platforms, connecting people, technology, and information.

Konica Minolta Bulgaria has been part of the global network of Konica Minolta since 2005. The company manages to constantly expand its customer base, which reflects the commitment and persistence of the Bulgarian company in following the set values and standards of the global brand. The team is the most valuable asset of Konica Minolta Bulgaria on the way to its success. That is why the company invests in the knowledge, skills, and satisfaction of its employees. Indisputable proof of the comprehensive approach to the development of the team is the award for the best employer in Bulgaria for 2023 in the ranking of the Top Employers Institute.
