Evrotrust is offering free qualified electronic signatures during the national emergency!

Because of the national emergency situation in Bulgaria, Evrotrust Technologies is offering qualified electronic signatures (QES) to for individuals and businesses free for 30 days. You can use your QES to submit electronically any request for a public service provided by the Bulgarian government authorities and other public institutions.

In addition to www.egov.bg Services and Information Portal, maintained by the e-Government State Agency, you can use these services through the websites of ministries, municipalities and state agencies. This will reduce the need of the people and businesses to visit in person branches of state and municipality institutions, in order to file documents with the National Revenue Agency, Social Security Institute, the Registry Agency, or in order to obtain a duplicate copy of a birth certificate/marital status, or to change their mobile operator or request a certain permit.

The e-signing can be done through the Signing Portal - portal.evrotrust.com. The initial registration process for the Evrotrust Technology eSigning solution is done online. All you have to do is download the Evrotrust mobile application, register with your ID and a selfie. The system will automatically issue you a qualified electronic signature with the specified duration.
After you receive your qualified electronic signature, visit the site www.egov.bg, select ‘Personal Profile’ and choose “Enter with a Cloud/Mobile Qualified Electronic Signature”.