Evrotrust Release Notes (Official Release v.23.4.0)

PRODUCTION RELEASE: December 07, 2023 Dear Evrotrust customers and partners, we’re happy to announce the release of Evrotrust v.23.4.0. Production release is planned for December 7, 2023, and is expected to start at 21:00 EET with approximately 3 hours of downtime. Details on the improvements and changes are below.


Update to the latest version available - v.2.0.421 for Android, v.2.0.710 for iOS and 2.0.350 for Huawei.

{CHANGE} Android OS minimum supported version is changed to v.7

In this release we change the minimum supported version of Evrotrust mobile application from v.5 to v.7

{NEW} Added support for OS Android v.14 and OS iOS v.17

{IMPROVED} Improved localizations to Italy, Romania and France

{UPDATE} Updated face scan and document scan libraries


Latest API v.1.0.225

{IMPROVED} Bringing а new optimized way to use personal data attributes from eID pdf form.

A special call to all of you that use our e-Identification service (the request for data sharing from an end user): Channel: only for API integrations; API request: /document/doc/identification

What’s new?

After you decrypt: the result from /document/download you will have ->

In the response of /document/download now you will have an xml file with the data separate from the pdf file, so you can use it directly without a need to export it from the pdf.

Xml file is with title: TransactionID_xml_OUT.xml

It is up to your team to decide whether to use it or keep the current setup, we keep the xml embedded into the pdf file as well to support all current integrations.